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Water leaking into stern compartment 14 Avr 2016 22:31 #642

  • Trevor Harrison
  • Portrait de Trevor Harrison Auteur du sujet
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  • Messages : 19
I have fresh water leaking into the stern compartment (beneath sugar scoop) of my Feeling 1090.

It appears to be coming from the rudder stem well above the water line.

I think it is coming in through the deck fitting for the emergency tiller where the white plastic collar is broken.

Has anyone else experienced this? where can I source replacement parts?



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Water leaking into stern compartment 15 Avr 2016 14:51 #643

Hi Trevor,
if I understand you well, I had the same leak from the rudder stock, after a crew lost the plastic protection on top of it. So, I replaced it with a new protection that I made. I will post a picture when I am back to France by late april.
Cheers, Gerard

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Water leaking into stern compartment 16 Avr 2016 08:06 #644

Hello Trevor,

I had the same problem with the white plastic collar broken and water leaking inside. I made a picture of it for you to better see how it is built : in grey, the deck, black the rubber cover and the oring, in blue the metal parts and yellow the white collar.

You need to replace the white plastic collar and the oring inside. Unfortunately you cannot find a replacement part. You have to make it yourself or have it made. What I did is on a calm day while the boat was in the water, I removed the white collar and brought it to a man who could build a new one during the day. I requested to have the ouside increased by a 1/10th of a milimeter to ensure it would stay in place. I also changed the oring and put everything back in place. No problem since.

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Water leaking into stern compartment 16 Avr 2016 09:20 #645

  • Trevor Harrison
  • Portrait de Trevor Harrison Auteur du sujet
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  • Messages : 19
Hi Eric,

Thank you for the information and diagram.

I'll set about getting the repair made.

Thanks again,

Fair winds and following seas and long may your big jib draw!


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Water leaking into stern compartment 20 Avr 2016 07:29 #649

I made a cover with PVC water pipe fittings, as you can see on the pictures.
But Eric's implementation is more pro !
Good luck

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Water leaking into stern compartment 29 Aoû 2016 10:17 #835

Salut Eric,
je vois que tu as refait faire ta bague supérieure de safran en donnant l'original au tourneur.
On est plusieurs à vouloir se faire refaire des bagues. Aurais tu les dimensions ? Sinon, on va mesurer sur le bateau. Par contre, tu es le seul à avoir ce joint torique, ce qui est une bonne idée. On va continuer en ce sens.
Quel est la section du joint torique ?

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Water leaking into stern compartment 16 Fév 2022 12:59 #5171

Bonjour à tous

Desirant moi aussi changer la bague superieure du safran, je cherche l'endroit donc l'adresse (coté Mediterrannée) pour effectuer ces travaux. 
En suivant les liens proposés (Hisse et HO) dans un des sujets du Forum, il semble que l'Ertacetal (Delrin) est le meilleur materiel pour cette bague.
Pas de plan et de cote detaillée de ces bagues sur le site ? (en tout cas je n'ai pas trouvé).


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Water leaking into stern compartment 16 Fév 2022 14:29 #5174

Philippe, voici les plans des bagues. Mais ça mérite de se fier surtout aux dimensions sur ton bateau.
L'Ertacétal est équivalent à l'Ertalon, ou au POM. Mais les pros connaissent ça.
Tiens nous au courant quand tu auras trouvé la bonne adresse en Med.

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Water leaking into stern compartment 16 Fév 2022 18:03 #5175

Merci Gerard
Je vais me mettre en chasse d'un pro qui puisse tourner les bagues au bon diametre.
Je vous donnerai adresse et prix un fois l'artiste decouvert.


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Water leaking into stern compartment 16 Fév 2022 19:49 #5176

are these the same size for the 346, it looks very similar 

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Water leaking into stern compartment 16 Fév 2022 20:15 #5178

I dont think so, Andrew. Not sure. And no 346 drawing ...

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Modérateurs: GERARD