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Feeling 286 Special (1991) - keel crack? Fissure et quille? 31 Oct 2019 09:16 #2756

J'ai un 1991 Feeling 286 Special. Voir les photo attache SVP. Il y a un ligne de rouille au sommet de la quille. Que se passe ici? Peut etre une fissure dans le fer? Ou se trouve a un dessin pour le quille?


Hi all... I've a 1991 Feeling 286 Special. Please see the attached photos. After power-washing, a line of rust became visible at the top of the keel. Could this be a crack in the cast iron keel? What is the construction of the keel? Does anybody have a sectional drawing of the keel pls?

Also are there keel bolts? If yes, where are they please? They can't be seen from inside the cabin.


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Feeling 286 Special (1991) - keel crack? Fissure et quille? 03 Nov 2019 08:53 #2764

Hello !
I have the same boat. I don't think you have a serious crack. Remove all the antifouling down to the metal and you'll see what's happening. This keel is not bolted through the bottom ot the hull. It is bolted below to part of the hull which forms the upper part of the keel. If you knock with a small hammer you will hear a hollow sound and that's where the bolts are. There are three or four small "windows" covered by fiberglass. The bolts are part of the lower part of the keel and they can be seen if you open the windows. Jean-Claude

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Feeling 286 Special (1991) - keel crack? Fissure et quille? 03 Nov 2019 09:12 #2765


je pense qu'une mise à nue de la quille s'impose pour un bon diagnostic.
Possédant un feeling 286 depuis 6 mois j'ai peu de retour d'expérience pour vous renseigner
Par contre, je souhaiterais connaitre le résultat de votre éventuelle expertise.
En vous remerciant.
Je vous souhaite une bonne journée et d'agréables navigations


Michel MALO

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Feeling 286 Special (1991) - keel crack? Fissure et quille? 04 Nov 2019 20:44 #2773

Merci Michel et Jean-Claude,


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Feeling 286 Special (1991) - keel crack? Fissure et quille? 16 Nov 2019 19:33 #2785

Information about the Feeling 286 Special Keel and keel bolts can be seen in this YouTube video
and in the attached photos

The white chalk line shows where the keel attaches to the glass fibre / GRP hull. The joint between the cast iron (?) keel and the GRP hull was found using a magnet.

The keel bolts are behind GRP covered windows on the keel. The keel bolt windows can be found by tapping the keel gently and listening for a hollow sound.

What I thought was a crack in the keel appears to be a historic repair in the GRP above the keel.
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Feeling 286 Special (1991) - keel crack? Fissure et quille? 21 Nov 2019 20:09 #2787


Merci pour vos informations, elles me seront utiles à la mise à terre en février de notre voilier .
Je vous souhaite de bonnes navigation.


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Feeling 286 Special (1991) - keel crack? Fissure et quille? 02 Déc 2019 21:05 #2807

The YouTube video was corrupt. I have uploaded it again:


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Feeling 286 Special (1991) - keel crack? Fissure et quille? 23 Fév 2020 23:00 #2931

I found this article and photo showing Feeling 286 Special keel bolt windows on the ClubFeeling1090 website. The boat has a wing keel.


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Feeling 286 Special (1991) - keel crack? Fissure et quille? 24 Fév 2020 07:29 #2932

Do you have pictures or a video showing the windows oponed and the bolts ?
Thank you very much.
PS. I own a Feeling 286 S .

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Feeling 286 Special (1991) - keel crack? Fissure et quille? 24 Fév 2020 09:24 #2933

Hi Jean Claude, I did not open the keel bolt windows on my boat. I was only trying to understand how the keel was attached to the boat (and I was worried that I might have a crack in the keel).

The photo from another ClubFeeling1090 message shows the windows opened on a wing keel Feeling 286. I'm attaching the photo to this message.

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Feeling 286 Special (1991) - keel crack? Fissure et quille? 05 Aoû 2024 07:33 #7081

Update: A Surveyor inspected the boat.  He removed the gelcoat at the mark on the keel.  He said that it was OK.  The mark was probably caused when the keel got caught on a steel cable in the water.


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Modérateurs: Michel Fillit