I Have a Feeling 39DI with furling genaker/Code1 from Elvstrøm Sails (
Elvstrøm Furlstrøm Sails - Sails Elvstrøm (elvstromsails.com)
) The boat is normally used for family cruicing along the Norwegian coast.
The sailarea og the genaker is 75 square-meters and the previous owner of the boat said it is a relatively small and "heavy" genaker for offshore use. I find the sail very practical in use, but sometimes wish it worked better in deeper vind angle. For straight downwind sailing we often use a poole and set it at the opposite side to the mainsail. The tack is atattced to the front of the bowsprit/ancor platform, aboat 80 cm in front of the permanent headstay. The haleyard goes from the masthead block to a lead about 40 cm under the masthead.
We normally have the furling genaker stoved away in the cocpit locker and hoist it out of the bag on the foredeck when the conditions are right. If we are furling it in because of to strong winds we take it down, because some times a section of it can unfurl some turns and start flapping in the vind if left standing. We use only one sheet on it to reduce the risk of getting the loose sheet in the water and in propeller and rudders. When gybing we furl it in and change the side of the sheet, before furling out. This is an adaption to short handed cruising with two small children onboard......
My other forsail is a 110 % furling genoa, smaller than the original genoa on this boat. I find the combination of these two headsails very flexible, but sometimes miss a larger upwind-headsail for more power in light upwind conditions.
I guess a sailmaker who know this boats could give you some good advise to optimize a genaker for your use. I can see if I find some more documentation on the dimentions of my genaker if this isof interest.